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Wealth effect:Wealth effect is based on psychological phenomenon that explains consumers  spending habits in which a consumer spend more money on with increases in its wealth. Consumers spending powers is changes according to its wealth increases or decreases. Demand for some goods is also decreases with increasing in wealth for example consumers stop buying cheap products when their wealth increases (Hubbard and, 2015). The wealth factors also effect demand in an economics.

Interest rate: According to this  concept when prices of certain goods and services increases then large amount of money require but when prices of goods are decreases then less money require when less money require then consumers put his money in bank as currency in bank increases so supply of loan increases at low rate  so consumers focus more on saving. The low interest rate decreases demand for investment thus prices level of goods also decreases so aggregate demand curve becomes downward sloping.

International trade effect: As decreases in interest rate domestic investment is no more profitable for local people they invest their money in foreign country to earn profit on investment (Meek, 2013). A real rate of exchange is decreases as supply of dollars increases as exports of country is also increases thus price level drops and aggregate demand is increases. So demand curve become downward sloping.

From the  above graph it can conclude that when the prices of products are  decreases then demand  is start increases wealth effect, interest effect and international trade effect  are part of aggregate demand so when prices of these factors is decreases then aggregate demand is also increases. So demand curve become downward sloping.

5) Long Run and short Run Supply Curve

Long run aggregate supply curve: In long run supply curve, it is assumed that there are no fixed factors of productions and only capital, labor and technology can affect aggregate supply curve and at this point in economy everything assumed remains constant. In long run, supply curve can be changed if production quality will be changed.

Long run supply curve is vertical: In long run supply curve is not agffect by the small changes. . LAS is vertical because at this point it shows potential output of an industry(Eichholtz, Kok and Quigley,  2013). For example, if in a country if there is rise in employment rate then the industry also raises its production even prices of inputs increases. Long run supply curve is vertical because of potential output is unaffected by prices level.

Short run aggregate supply curve: It shows relationships between price level and output. It shows actual production willingness of produce by an industry during specific period in a country.

Aggregate supply curve upward sloping: In short run, wage rate is fixed because higher prices of goods and services makes the  output more profitable and industry get low price labor for their production so supply curve is becoming more upwards sloping(Stevenson, Balada-Llasat. and West, 2012). At this point, industry hires low price products to increase their profits.


From above report we conclude the all facts of economics and how does it affect economic of a country. We learn all important concept s about GDP and its relation with standards of living, long run and short run supply curve aggregate demand and its reasons of its downward sloping curve. From above report we also conclude about all important factors that can affect an economic.


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